#03 - Vegan Protein Power Recipe

Buy Vegan Protein Power Here

Makes: 500 to 600ml
Serves: 1 - 2 people
Preparation time: (Whole fruit Juicer): 5mins
Preparation time: (Narrow neck Juicer): 10mins

Cucumber 1/4, small
Avocado 1/4 ripe
Apple 2, cores removed
Banana 1
Pineapple 1/4, skin on
Wheatgrass 1 shot
Spirulina level teaspoon 


To make in a centrifugal juicer
Add the cucumber, apples and pineapple to the juicer. Then blend the avocado (peeled and stoned), banana, wheatgrass shot and spirulina. Then pour in the juice and blend until smooth.


To make in a slow masticating juicer or cold pressed
Add the cucumber, apples and pineapple to the juicer, be sure to slice these up first. Then blend the avocado (peeled and stoned), banana, wheatgrass shot and spirulina. Then pour in the juice and blend until smooth.

Scott McArthur
Scott McArthur
