Juicing Spinach

Juicing Spinach

By adding spinach to your juices, you're providing your body with many great health benefits. One of the main ones is that spinach is very beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system. Spinach contains Vitamins A, C and K which together can reduce cholesterol from building up on the blood vessel walls. This therefore reduces your risk of heart attack, stroke and heart disease. Also the magnesium that is found in spinach can aid to keep blood pressure and heart rhythm regular. Iron and Folic acid are also present in spinach, which means overall improved blood health, and also they aid in the prevention of anaemia.

Spinach also contains high levels of chlorophyll, which help to bring oxygen to the blood cells. This chlorophyll also plays a part in aiding the prevention of certain cancers. This is because it makes it difficult for cancer cells to divide and expand it is in the presence of them.

Spinach contains calcium, which is great for bones and teeth. Spinach is also very beneficial for your eyesight and can help you to distinguish colours in the dark. This is due to the Vitamin C and carotenoids.

Scott McArthur
Scott McArthur
