Juicing Grapes

Juicing Grapes

Grapes are great for adding a bit of sweetness into your juice. They are packed full of antioxidants and you don't need to remove the stalk, just pack the whole fruit into your juicer - quick and easy.

Grapes can be very helpful for your heart, and the red, purple and darker grapes contain pigments which have been said to reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. This stops inflammation which can harm the arteries and lead to blood clots. These pigments have been known to relax the muscles around the blood vessel walls. Another way grapes can reduce clot formation in the arteries is down to an antioxidant they accommodate called Resveratrol. This antioxidant has been known to reduce the build up of plaques within the artery walls, therefore reducing the formation of clots.

Grapes also contain a number of vitamins and minerals. A few of these are Vitamins A, B, C, E, Foate and Beta Carotene. Also Iron, Calcium and Phosphorus can be found.

Scott McArthur
Scott McArthur
